
Personalized Yoga therapy

Illness is potentially a wonderful gateway to self inquiry.  Through illness, the body demands time and attention.  Treating the symptom is often the first step.  For a lot of us, once this is accomplished, we go back to our previous ways until the body calls on us again.  

In the tradition of Sri T Krishnamacharya too, reducing painful symptoms, referred to as shamanam, is the first goal.  This is because illness narrows our perspective.  Upon feeling better, the practice evolves to address our needs in daily life.  As we give ourselves time to reflect upon the state of the breath, body and mind, we start to observe patterns within us: our triggers, when we feel peaceful, the correlation between our thoughts and the state of our mind.  

Just as Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle tells us that the very act of observing the atom, changes its state, Yoga is the act of quietly observing ourself (dhyAna).  With practice, we start recognising our fears (abhinivesha), contexts that we avoid or run away from (dvesha) and those that we crave (rAga).  With more practice, we learn to stay and observe all these contexts from a compassionate perspective.  This is where “the doing” ceases and “the being” begins.  This process is called shodhanam (inquiring into the cause of illness).  

Developing this attitude of compassion (maitri) towards oneself is the journey.  Typically the therapist acts as a non judgemental mirror to aid this process.  In the Vinyasa krama style our readiness at every step is evaluated before taking the next small step.  Thus acknowledging and respecting our own boundaries (ahimsa) aligns the body and mind.  

The one on one sessions are a space to address your unique needs and health goals.  In her work, Ashlesha has taught many students who have specific conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, menstrual and gastrointestinal disorders, back pain and joint pain among others.  She has also taught people of different age groups who want to engage in yoga practices to keep themselves healthy.

What to expect

Whether you are ready to jump into self inquiry or use the tools that Yoga offers to lead a healthier lifestyle, this is the general format of classes:

At the first consultation, you will be asked to fill out a form outlining your present state of health.  All information collected is confidential and will not be shared with anyone without your permission.  There will be an assessment of your overall state of health.  We will discuss your goals and your movements / alignment may be examined.

From the second class onwards, a practice specifically designed for you, is taught and given: either drawn out or recorded on video.  At the weekly classes, the practice evolves with your progress and as per your changing needs.  Every couple of months we review goals and reorient the practices as needed.  

Please read these guidelines about privacy, confidentiality and appropriate contact that is required to be made available to all students by the IAYT.  


My first yoga training with Ashlesha was during my pregnancy. I wanted to be active through my pregnancy and yoga was the best training during that phase. Ashlesha offered the best training and support by customising asanas and practice routines.She provided notes with practice routines after each class which were very helpful. She is very knowledgeable and patient and took the time to listen and provide relevant advice not just related to yoga but also pregnancy care. I must say sessions with Ashlesha had a tremendous impact on my well-being. Later on I also undertook training with her on Pranayama. At first I had some apprehension about online training sessions since they took place during the lockdown. But all the sessions were organised very well and conducted smoothly. I encourage everyone to take up at least one course with Ashlesha and experience her warmth and expertise.

Shweta Kulkarni, Energy Policy Researcher

I  was a part of Ashlesha's classes for almost 18 months and I greatly benefited from her well organized Yoga sessions with her.

The most amazing aspect about her sessions is how she gives personal attention to every student of hers in a group class.  

She is a very good and dedicated teacher who strives to ensure that all her students derive maximum benefit from her classes.  If you are looking to achieve the perfect balance between physical fitness and mental calmness, then I would strongly recommend that you enroll for Ashlesha's Yoga  classes.

 Apurv Sardeshmukh, Lawyer

I first consulted Ashlesha more than six years ago. 

She has in depth knowledge of Yoga, and what appealed to me was that her approach is based on practising in the context of the entire science and philosophy of the yoga sutras of Patanjali.

She is extremely practical, able to understand your needs and tailor an authentic programme specifically for your needs and lifestyle. I continue to use the cycle of hatha yoga postures which she deftly drew on paper and it has slowly become my routine which is essential for my wellbeing.

I was fortunate to be guided in a course of pranayama a couple of years later and continue to consult her to deepen my practice. 

I highly recommend Ashlesha as a yoga therapist and teacher.

Kanchan Desai, Mindfulness coach

Ashlesha’s combination of breathing exercises, chanting and asanas brings a greater depth to each class which is unique and feels more holistic. She is very approachable and ready to share her wide knowledge base with simple yet concrete steps to help deconstruct complex ideas. I have greatly benefitted from my interactions with Ashlesha and highly recommend her yoga classes.

Radhika Chalam, Scientist

I have been learning Yoga with Ashlesha for 4 years now. I cannot express just how much of a blessing she has been in my life. I feel honoured and privileged to be her student. While I could write essays about her strengths as a yoga teacher and the sterling individual she is, I will limit myself to what I feel are her distinguishing characteristics. 

In a world where yoga teachers are a dime a dozen, I find Ashlesha a refreshingly unpretentious and authentic voice. There is no attempt at giving gyan, throwing platitudes or imposing a hierarchy. Instead, her deep knowledge (of a range of asana, pranayam and variations), expertise and sharp insight emerge in the student's actual organic experience of her class, rather than being 'told' or 'shown'. Each class begins with her astute recognition and compassionate acceptance of where I am, and by the end of her class, I find a distinct change of state in my body, breath and mind, every single time. As a teacher myself, I can only marvel at this feat! 

I love that Ashlesha's teaching is informed by her other love and expertise - music. Initially, I had wondered how one can be really good at two things. But now I see how her integration of music and yoga helps her really understand when and how to use sound and chants during practice, thereby deepening my own exploration and understanding during asana and pranayam. This foray into a discerning use of sound and resonance during my yoga practice has helped me experience subtler levels within myself, which most teachers ordinarily do not explore. 

Finally, Ashlesha really takes Yoga beyond the mat and into the real world: I find that the essence of my practice on the mat is somehow inextricably woven to my interactions with others, relationships and day-to-day chores. While I may have known this theoretically, I am now able to really see patterns and linkages under Ashlesha's guidance. In this sense, I find Ashlesha's teaching truly whole and robust rather than the typical tokenism that one encounters among many teachers today. 

Despite the fickleness of my health, Ashlesha has somehow facilitated a flow and strength within me such that my body is more able, my mind more joyous and I have also discovered an agency within myself that was hidden before. So whether you are looking for a stronger asana practice or self-discovery, I cannot thump the table enough for this rare gem of a teacher! 

Deepika Sharma, Yoga teacher and coach